These are the Best ever Pickled Carrots. Keep a jar in the fridge at all times and you will have a flavour bomb to go with every dish

I’ve been making these pickled carrots for a very long time. They last in the fridge for an eternity, ready for any time you need that extra flavour and crunch. I’d love to make more with them but I have a person in my house that doesn’t like anything like this.
My house has a fussy eater.
My Son is a disappointment to me in a culinary way, for, despite the fact that he has eaten at more restaurants than I could possibly name, I am embarrassed to say, he is now fussy. As a 3 year old he was a night’s entertainment at a good restaurant, where he would try the Parmesan cheese (his favourite) and judge if it was suitable for his tiny perfect palate. It would need to be Grana or if available a grating of Reggiano, (Parmagiano) on little plate of fresh pasta. This would amuse our fellow dinners.
Sadly, when he and tomato sauce were introduced they became inseparable. This now meant that it didn’t matter what he ate as long as the colours didn’t touch and there was sauce. This does not bode well at lovely restaurants, thus ending his career as a foodie. Today he is still on the fussy side and I am hoping that his palate will do a backflip and allow his inner foodie to re-emerge.
Pickled carrots go with so many things
Luckily I have other family and friends who are still interested in food so one of the things I like to have on hand is a simple pickle of Carrots that I use in salads, pop into sandwiches, eat with cheese or fashion into canapes with the help of other ingredients. They are easy. They last in the fridge for months and always taste good.
The best thing about these carrots is that they are versatile. They are sometimes best in thick ribbons and at other times I like to make them into a nice julienne. If I am on full speed and need some quick smart, I grate them to make pickles

Here’s how to Best ever Pickled Carrots make them. I also make a 10 minute pickled carrots version too. Give these a try for an easy salad or sandwich add on.

Best ever Pickled Carrots
- 4 large carrots peeled and sliced
- 250 ml rice wine or white wine vinegar nice gentle vinegar like rice wine tastes better
- 400 gm caster sugar white
- 2 Tablespoons ginger sliced or grated into sticks
- 2 Tablespoons Sea salt flakes or 1 Tablespoon table salt
- Cut the carrots in 1/2 length ways and then in half again so you have 4 pieces, then slice into lengths and cut into matchsticks. ( If you do not have a slicer refer to my 10 minute pickled carrot recipe)
- Put the carrots into a colander and sprinkle with salt. Toss the carrots well to distribute the salt. Leave these to stand at room temperature for at least an hour or preferably overnight in the fridge.( in the colander sitting on a plate,to drain).
- Peel and slice the ginger and julienne ( fine matchstick slices looks best, if not as thinly as possible)
- Put the sugar and vinegar into a pot with the ginger (and other spices) and slowly bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Turn down and simmer for a 2 minutes or until all of the sugar is dissolved and the liquid looks kind of shiny, just like a sugar syrup. Don’t reduce the liquid, just boil and combine flavours. Set aside.
- Meanwhile wash the carrots under running water to get rid of the salt. Drain well, shaking or dabbing with kitchen paper to remove all the water. You can use a lettuce spinner for this too.
- Put the carrots into a container that has a tight fitting lid and pour over the warm vinegar mixture.
- The carrots can be used straight away but are better the next day or in the days after that when you want something to other dishes you are making. They should be sweet and sour all at the same time.
Because this takes out any excess water. It allows the carrot to soften and then absorb some of the pickling liquid. It also helps them keep. The less water in pickles the longer they will keep. Water encourages bacteria.
Always dig your carrots out of the container with a clean spoon *You can slice these into julienne to put through salads and sauces
*These make a great addition to an Asian stirfry or noodle salad
*Use them as a garnish
*Use them to add spike and vinegar to a dull sauce
*These work in a Vietnamese chicken salad with lots of coriander, mint and peanuts.
*Use some of the pickling liquid to make a dressing with a little garlic and fish sauce added.
*Add to Mediterranean salads with cumin and parsley and mint.
*Use chopped in a Tuna sandwich they provide great texture and taste
*You can also pickle cucumber like this too. De-seed it first

Great recipe and tips!! I love pickled vege but have never made them – think I will give them a go!
You should you will love them
I am a huge fan of pickles – so I’m definitely trying this! Yum!
I have been making these for literally years and love them, so thanks
If it’s any consolation my brother is the same with tomato sauce. He now eats at Michelin starred restaurants on a weekly basis (which I’d personally hate!) and still has everything smothered in ketchup at home. I on the other hand would much prefer a jar of pickled carrots!
How interesting Nancy he can’t kick the sauce eh?. Not much hope for mine then…
Same problem here with the offspring. They seem to revert and go through a ridiculously fussy stage – and I’m truly over it.
I made some delicious pickled carrots that no-one would eat. Fussy buggers.
ugh fussy. Damn
Very appetizing! I love that salmon too ;-))
Thanks Angie…..
My mother makes really good pickled carrots but I like the addition of ginger in yours! I might suggest that to her! 🙂
May be not a good idea. Im sure hers are fine as they are!
Now that sounds absolutely delicious and simple enough- even for me to envisage trying straight away! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!
get cracking!
Love me some pickled carrots. I’ve got a Kylie Kwong pickled salad in my back pocket for dinner parties. It’s not actually in my pocket. That would be gross.
And I was a finicky child. I probably embarrassed the hell out of my parents by only eating bread if pushed.
But I asume you eat and cook now, as I believe you have some recipes in your back pocket…….! there is hope for my teen!
Delicious idea! Won’t it be lovely to have some time off. Hope you are going to have a relaxed break!
Thank you, for your comment . I hope that I can have a break!