Quick Apple Cheesecake snackpots that’re no bake AND have caramelised apples and crunchy bits?. That sounds like it could be in my favourite dessert category. And it is. This Quick Apple Cheesecake makes for a great dessert or even a nice snack. I was making easy quick desserts with Apples last month for one of…
no-bake dessert
Skinny Pavlova the 10 minute Hack!
Well it is a Pavlova…it’s just easier. This is Skinny Pavlova the 10 minute Hack!. Why?. because it is so easy and it tastes just like Pavlova but in a glass. It makes sense doesn’t it.? You can eat this summer or winter. You can eat it late at night or when you have a…
No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Tart
No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Tart This tart makes a quick dessert that needs no oven. You can whip it up in no time and it uses every day ingredients that you probably already have, not that I am a stickler for that…. but sometimes it’s nice. It also goes a long long way because…
Chocolate Pudding, Vegan, Gluten Free
A couple of months before summer I spent a whole Sunday making and photographing no-bake desserts. These were to put together an e-book but as usual time passed and I didn’t get my book done. Do you constantly run out of time?. Is it just me?. Anyway, this was amongst the desserts that I produced….
Chocolate Pudding Vegan and Guilt Free
This is the second Chocolate Vegan Pudding I’ve made recently. They are both vegan and extremely chocolatey but the ingredients differ just slightly. Its very surprising how the ingredients in this no bake chocolate dessert work together and taste so good. Find the other chocolate Pudding here. This is another great chocolate pudding with just…
Vegan Chocolate Pudding, Gluten Free
A couple of months before summer I spent a whole Sunday making and photographing no-bake desserts. These were to put together an e-book but as usual time passed and I didn’t get my book done. Do you constantly run out of time?. Is it just me?. Anyway, this was amongst the desserts that I produced….