This easy Vegan Chocolate Cake has been around for years. it’s also known as crazy cake because it seems crazy that it would even work. It does and it’s a beauty so try and let me know!
Vegan Chocolate Cake is not new
In years gone by eggs and dairy products weren’t always available. People had to work out ho to make a delicious cake with what they had. Thank God for their ingenuity.
So the thing that is great about this is that vegan or not if you don’t have eggs or milk or even butter you have no excuse at all not to bake a lovely cake. Just what you need more pressure !
I assure you it is easy and you will make it a lot after the first attempt because it feels good to use so few ingredients and end up with a cake so yummy
I once called it the no ingredient chocolate cake and it is hard to believe it contains no actual chocolate, yet it tastes moist and chocolatey and can be dressed in any way you like.
One very important point though, you have to use good quality cocoa. Some say the recipe doesn’t work with dark dutched cocoa because but in the hundreds of times I have made this cake I have never encountered a problem.
I make it and go over the top with decorations for the top. I’ve put regular chocolate bars on mine but if you want to stay with the vegan brief than use Oreo biscuits chopped (they are vegan) or any other of your favourite vegan chocolate bars. They can even be fruit bars or candies. Put anything on it.
Reasons to make this cake:
- It is easy
- It has no butter or eggs in it, so you can make it when you haven’t done the shopping!
- It keeps for a long time without drying out
- You can make it the day ( or two or three) before you need it
- Dress it up with anything to hand
I have found it works best as a bundt cake. Other versions have not stayed as moist. This is because of the lack of fat. Do some experiments yourself
Wanna make it? Here’s how…..
Also take a peek at Sweet Potato ganache AND what this cake looks like without cocoa.

Vegan Chocolate Cake
- 225 gm plain flour 1.5 cups
- 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
- 3 Tablespoons cocoa powder Dutch/dark
- 200 gm cater sugar 1 cup
- 250 ml water 1 cup
- 20 ml white vinegar (or any vinegar -1 Tablespoon )
- 125 ml vegetable oil 1/2 cup
- vanilla
For chocolate ganache:
- 100 ml coconut cream or cream
- 50 gm Vegan dark chocolate chopped
- A bundt tin 22 cm. Set the oven to 170 C / 340 F
- Put the flour, baking powder and sugar in a bowl with the cocoa powder. Add the water, vanilla, oil and vinegar. Mix until a smooth batter is formed
- Thats it!. bake for approximately
- Bake gently so that a hard crust is not formed . If your oven is very hot , cook it on 160 C
- Warm 100 ml of coconut cream (or cream) till hot but not boiling. Remove from the heat and stir in 50 gm -dark chocolate (chopped) and stir till all the chocolate has melted
Here’s an interesting guide to Cocoa
I didn’t see this post when you shared it the first time so am glad you reposted it 😀
Hi there
I know this might be a stupid question but is there any advantage over using a plain flour and baking powder mix rather than self raising flour.
I am too afraid to make the no bake chocolate mousse tart because I know I cant be trusted not to eat most of it.
Tasha, Its knowing what your flour is going to do each time. Some SR flours are different from others and this can make a difference to how it works of course. However, if you are not used to substituting plain flour and baking powder and knowing the proportions ( usually a teaspoon per cup of flour) then stick to what you know. You probably would eat all of that tart because its really light and its gone before you know it …oops crumbs left
This really looks like an almost no ingredient, bake anytime and eat all the time chocolate cake.
That looks so wonderfully decadent with the cherries, chocolate bars and chocolate lashings on top! 🙂
Incredible but true!!! I was lucky enough to be a live witness to the “n0 ingredients- miracle” cake. Very moorish and guilt-free!