A couple of years ago I was very lost. I had an interesting job writing recipes and doing product development for a cheese business. But that was work, at home, I was lonely and let down by a terrible relationship. My beautiful son deserved a Mum with some kind of spark and interest and I deserved a better life. My main outlet has always been cooking and writing recipes and this is my relaxation and the extension of the way I like to spoil people. I wondered if there were other people out there like me. ( Not necessarily sad and lonely- but cooking obsessed) I started to follow a couple of blogs. My favourite was “Not Quite Nigella” It was a combination of quirky recipes and visits to restaurants with travel thrown in. I loved the way it was written and I wondered if I could ever possibly do this myself. I thought I may have missed the boat, some people like Lorraine, www.notquitenigella.com had already been doing it for years. Then I wondered what I might lose if I did it. I would be able to record all of the recipes I made and I would also be able to take photos.
I started my blog and the very first person to leave a comment of encouragement was Lorraine. I was thrilled. Each comment was thoughtful and she had read my ramblings, as she does to this day. This week she released her first book, not a cookbook, although there are some recipes contained in its pages, but an autobiography and state of play about the world of blogging. ” How I found happiness through baking and blogging”
I understand this sentiment, and I am so excited for her.
Some time ago Celia www.figjamandlimecordial.com introduced me to Lorraine, then Charlie (www.hotlyspiced.com) and Rebecca from www.theintolerantchef.com and Brydie from www.cityhippyfarmgirl.com. I am so grateful for these new friends and the opportunity to meet more new like-minded people ( PS If you are an old friend of mine I love you even if you are not interested in blogging). When we heard that Lorraine needed our help with her book launch, that she needed some catering done and some support, well……we wanted to step up, catering is not exactly a foreign language to me. With the preliminary planning done and the event organised as much as possible, we met up at the Radisson Blu ( Bistro Fax) on O’Connell Street in Sydney, where Lorraine had been asked to visit to try their new “gluten-free high tea” before the book launch the next day (and to also celebrate Rebecca’s birthday).
The setting is very hotel. High Tea is $40.00 with a glass of champagne. Luckily, we can fit in 1000 words per minute as even after the last of us arrive, and the wait staff have been over to welcome us, we sit without a drink of any kind for 20 minutes, until it seems a little perplexing…. is it counter service….do they think we need to chill out……have we done something wrong? Then, finally, a bottle of champagne and some water arrives. We wait again for another 15 minutes before there is any other approach by staff, this time they come bearing two high teas, one “normal” and the other gluten free.
Both of the High Teas have common elements like the tangy passionfruit jellies the Strawberry topped meringues and lemon curd chocolate cups. The sandwiches are a bit lean on fillings in both the normal and gluten free options however there is a generous amount of Smoked Salmon with cream cheese on small squares of bread. Giant shortbreads take up a great deal of the middle layer of the gluten free tower and are perhaps supposed to be a look-a-like replacement for scones, which are light and full of fruit. Between mouthfuls and excited chatter, we fail to flag down any kind of service and by the time we manage to secure a waiter, we have all but finished. Charlie kept lifting her glass at every passing waiter asking for water till her mouth was too dry to speak, while we giggled. The tea is loose leaf but it is a brand available in all supermarkets.
The service is very friendly but not so good.
The Radisson Blu did however let us bring a birthday cake for Rebecca. Charlie baked a gluten, dairy free Hummingbird cake that was delicious. So after the high tea, we got new plates and tackled the cake. I wonder if anyone else but us could have done that. Could you?
So the next day I met Lorraine at the venue, the Penthouse of the Diamant Hotel in Kings Cross. This enormous apartment has a million-dollar view of Sydney and a huge kitchen, the perfect venue for a party. Lorraine has pictures here. Rebecca and I settled into the kitchen, while Lorraine worked on her speech and got dressed. We had 5 canapes planned. Peking Duck Pancakes, a favourite of Lorraine’s, Duck San Chow Bau, Prawn Gow Gee with black vinegar and ginger, Vegetarian Fritattas made by Miss Hotly Spiced, and a big platter of charcuterie from Pinos Dolce Vita along with cheese a Comte and Brillat Savarin this was served with Foccacia and Ciabatta made by Celia the bread Queen I don’t have many pictures of the food because I was too busy. But here are a couple of quick snaps
The BBQ was guest chef David from David Sirekas from Xanthi Restaurant.
Lorraine and Bec late into the evening. There are a lot of ways for people to express themselves in food these days. Working professionally or writing, taking photos and sharing recipes.
The blogging community is unique in food because it relies entirely on others’ support to be successful. Â If one person is successful others will follow. Lorraine was a trailblazer. Congratulations NQN and thanks for your wit and endless support. Book available at most stores now.
See more posts on Lorraines Book Launch
Suzanne Perazzini
A gluten-free tea sounds ideal but not if the service is that bad. Charlie’s cake looked like the best part. Those shortbreads were far too big, especially with all the other smaller bites, which looked much nicer. The book cake was gorgeous and Lorraine’s book sounds interesting. I hope you are not feeling so lonely now.
What a great story!
You did such a wonderful job on the food for Lorraines, launch… everything was amazing 🙂
Such a nice high tea for Bec as well 🙂
Have fun in Italy, make sure you blog it all!
What a super lovely evening!!
Loved this post Tania. The blogging community is a pretty wonderful one isn’t it.
Now do me a favour… I would love visual postcards in the form of blog posts for when you get back. Every little detail taken in.
Jennifer @ Delicieux
What a lovely post Tania. It’s always interesting to learn about why people started their blog, and it’s so wonderful to see that you have clearly made some wonderful friends in the process. The launch of Lorraine’s book looks like an absolutely wonderful night! I can’t wait to read it.
The Life of Clare
What a fabulous evening! I’ve read the other posts and it’s so fantastic to see how you all banded together to make her launch a success! The power of bloggers!
Hi Tania,
I hope you are enjoying your time in Italy. You girls are so sweet for helping celebrate Lorraine’s book launch. I’ll be checking it out soon. It’s too bad the service at tea wasn’t good but at least the company was.:)
Tania, you have the most amazing stories and I hope to one day see you work in prints. Have a great time in Italia!:)
Thank you for your lovely comment Nancy. i am humbled
Maureen | Orgasmic Chef
I loved this post. It was like I was in the room talking with you.
So many people love you, Tania. There is no pretense, you treat people as you see them. I have great respect for you as a person and I’m overhwhelmed by your talent.
Lorraine and the others are so lucky that you have their back. I wish I was closer!
Thank you Maureen. I truely thank you for saying such a lovely thing……I wish you were closer too.
Kari @ bite-sized thoughts
What a lovely post, and thank you for sharing some insights into your own blogging journey and background. I’m very glad you met some like minded local bloggers and know exactly what you mean about blogging being an amazing way to connect, and be inspired, and find happiness.
Enjoy Italy, too!
Angie@Angie's Recipes
A great fun afternoon tea! The book cake looks splendid!
Happiness is indeed achievable through baking and blogging – I bet her book is fabulous!
Lisa the Gourmet Wog
Great post Tania, looks like the Radisson Blu afternoon tea was a bit of hit and miss. The party looked spectacular indeed. You’re certainly a wonderful friend to head up so much food, good on you Tania!
InTolerant Chef
We had such a great time Tania- playing, working and eating together! Lorraine was the first person to comment on my blog too, so it was nice to be able to give back. That photo of me is dreadful! It looks like I single handedly polished off all those bottles of wine! Have a wonderful time away sweetie, enjoy every minute 🙂 x
Hotly Spiced
That is so funny, Tania. It seems wherever we go there is so much we find amusing. How funny that I couldn’t speak for such a dry mouth! Was it you who said they must be drawing water from the well? It was definitely the shortbread that needed water to help them go down – the size of them! And that’s a great wrap on Lorraine’s launch. You forgot to say how hard you worked and what a great job you did – Lorraine was blessed to have you take the helm. Who is this other Charlie commenting on your blog? An imposter? I thought it was someone pretending to be me. Will miss you while away but no doubt you will return with lots of stories – we’ll catch up then xx
Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella
Hehe Tania I loved this post!! You’re such a gorgeous thing and thank you again for all of your invaluable help! And I loved the bit where you asked “did we do anything wrong?” at the Radisson because it was a bit like that with the service! Nice but largely absent! 😛 Have a fabulous time in Italy and Bangkok and I can’t wait to hear all about it! xxx
As a non-blogger, just one who entertains a LOT and loves visiting sites to try new dishes, I am so glad you have your food blog. I love your creations and your photography is beautiful. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you continue for a long time.
Thank you so much JC, your comment has made my day !
Your old friend loves you have new friends and hopes to met them one day …
Great blog.
Have a great time in Italy….
love you actually xx
Love you too
Victoria of Flavors of the Sun
This is one event I would have loved to have attended. Looks like such fun, and I would love meeting you, Lorraine, and Charlie–and others. I must make it to Oz one day!
Hope you do Victoria
lizzie - strayed from the table
Looks like you had a great time. Lorraine is inspiration for me to her travel posts just make me want to pack my bag and get on a plane.
Lovely post Tania! Didn’t we have fun that night? 🙂 I’m sorry I missed afternoon tea, although I’m sorry I missed the company and not really the food or service, by the sounds of it. Have a wonderful time in Italy, you know we’ll miss you! xx
Thank you Celia will miss you too